Kumeno Teitaro (Attributed to) - Cloisonné enamel box and cover
A cloisonné enamel box and cover worked in silver and gilt wire with a profusion of chrysanthemums, the canted corners decorated with butterflies, the interior with a gilt liner.
Dimension: 8.5cm, width: 14.5cm, depth: 11cm
Meiji period, circa 1890
For a box (attributed to Kumeno Teitaro) and bowl (signed Kumeno Teitaro) with very similar decoration, see Polished to Perfection: Japanese Cloisonne, Robert T. Singer, 2017, pp. 59-60
For a similar box see Norio Suzuki, Nihon no Shippo, publ. Maria Shobo, 1979, no. 189